Q: Are suites available for all graduations?
A: Suite rentals are available for most graduations, however select schools have decided to not allow suite rentals for their graduations.
Q: Is catering available?
A: Levy restaurants does not offer catering for graduation ceremonies however, concession stands are easily accessible and you can bring concession food back to your suite. Additionally, our Premium Seating representatives can connect you with local restaurant partners who typically have reservation space for larger groups after graduations.
Q: Can we get in early or stay late?
A: No, the schools do not permit early entry or late exit from suites. Suite holders can access suites anytime after doors open, but do not need to rush to be there early as their space is reserved.
Q: Do we get separate tickets from what the school provides?
A: Yes, you will get mobile suite tickets that are in addition to what the school may provide.
Q: What if we don’t know where our graduate will sit?
A: NOW Arena does not know where each graduate will sit. We will block out the first three suites on either side of the upper suite level to the sides of the stage. These locations will remain open to all patrons on the suite level to pop in and pop out for pictures when their graduate walks across the stage. This way everyone can take turns and get the best pictures, but relax in their suite without having to worry about being further away.
Photos For Reference: